17 Clever DIY Ideas for the Holidays

Christmas is such a great time for DIYs and with only few days to go until the big day everyone is busy gift hunting, baking and decorating the house. I think of Christmas of the only time of the year I give myself permission to go all out – and Oh Boy did I! Our house has never seen this many paper snowflakes or twinkly lights and I’m loving every minute of it. Christmas comes around only once a year so why not make the most of it. To help you do exactly that here’s 17 clever ideas for DIY paper decorations!main

1. Minimal Paper Christmas Trees5dcafe5fad056fa05e329e6d10f7381a

2. Paper Holiday Village8e76224a14b634ce3792ccd7a9197a61

3. Paper Christmas Lights Garland8f43b8185b56bb38d7d35be9c33a01a4

4. Numbered advent candles56e51305ab27feead64ce96b763e623c

5. Star Garland

6. Winter Paper Lanternscc43c1df6e31230411cc3813d82efb9c

7. Origami Paper Ornaments

8. Paper Bird Decorationsf70a938a3601f0ab42e8f191d418d0a6

9. 3D Wall Decorationsfb751882cde7f9f1b14340888d03ec3c

10. Paper Christmas Trees61f7155a6be42e8b09b586906f3b9e46

11. Paper Snowflake Mobiledc9e1777c197339620793df4aa3acd6f

12. Geometric Paper Wreath

13. Paper Doilies Christmas Trees

14. 3D Punch Our Font

15. Paper Stars f3813eea2cb6c1f5ea213f6841c7b075

16. Christmas Ornamentsornament4

17. Minimalistic Holiday Garlandf405f476c5ac512165934f0a671b13f8


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