Marco Spitzar’s “We Are All Born Glued” Catalogue Raisonné

Wir kommen total verklebt auf die Welt (We Are Born Totally Glued in English) showcases Vorarlberg-based artist Marco Spitzar’s comprehensive catalog of artworks. Spitzar, who is known especially for his pieces utilizing glue in various ways, began his career as an artist back in the early 90s’ after attending the School of Arts and Crafts in Graz and the Academy of fine arts in Vienna. His award-winning works have been shown in several solo exhibitions in Austria, as well as in Switzerland and Germany.

Wir kommen total verklebt auf die Welt art catalog of Marco Spitzars work, designed by Kurt Dornig and texts by author Max Lang.

The focus of the catalog raisonné is UHU (a very popular glue trademark from Germany), however, the artist is less concerned with the bonding properties of the well-known yellow adhesive than with its haptic and visual effect, which resembles a partial UV coating.

The Wir kommen total verklebt auf die Welt art catalog is designed by book designer Kurt Dornig and includes texts by author Max Lang was awarded as one of the most beautiful books in Austria in 2021. While the focus of the catalogue raisonné is UHU (a very popular glue trademark from Germany), the artist is less concerned with the bonding properties of the well-known yellow adhesive than with its haptic and visual effect, which resembles a partial UV coating. This effect was recreated in the cover design, giving the readers an opportunity to experience the sculptural properties of the drawings.

A heavy, sturdy cardboard box wraps protectively around the catalog, which is actually more of a booklet than a book, as it’s bound with a simple thread stitching. And while the chosen binding technique might not be the most pragmatic, it harmoniously blends together with the content and leads to the fact that the pages can be opened and leafed through effortlessly. The layout in the catalog varies from stamp-sized to almost page-filling images. The heavy and stable double cover, in combination with the interesting image layout and lockstitch stitching, creates a consistent form that makes the artistic work multi-layered.

Both papers were chosen due to their ability to perfectly fit the concept, style, and haptics of the catalog.

The art catalog’s top cover is made with Favini’s Sumo Black 1,5 mm while the inner pages are PERGRAPHICA® Classic Rough 150 gsm. Both papers were chosen due to their ability to perfectly fit the concept, style, and haptics of the catalog. The limited 250-piece edition comes numbered and hand signed, and includes 40 pages of Marco Spitzar’s works. You can a copy for purchase here. 

© Marcel Hagen / Studio 22, Jürgen Schäper, Jasmin Fischbacher

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