Washinello Wows Us With The Environmentally Friendly Future of Laundry

Washinello Wows Us With The Eco-Friendly Future of Laundry

Once in a while, there comes a product so ingenious that you can’t help but tell all your friends about it. Imagine a laundry day where you’re not only getting clothes fresh and clean, but also making a positive impact on the environment! That’s exactly what Washinello is doing—transforming the way we wash, one eco-friendly load at a time.

So what exactly is Washinello?

Washinello uses the power of magnesium, which produces ionized water through special processing. It is the new friendly, sustainable and smart way to wash your laundry without detergent. Simply place the Washinello Wash bag with your dirty laundry in the washing drum and enjoy sparkling clean laundry. This ionized water penetrates deep into the fibers of your clothes and removes even stubborn stains – without any harmful chemicals. It’s hypoallergenic, gentle on your skin and gentle on our environment. Moreover, it’s suitable for all fabrics, all colours and for all washing temperatures.

The Wash bag is reusable for many washes – around 365 wash cycles! – making it both environmentally friendly, as it minimizes packaging waste and transport routes, as well as cost saving.

In addition to the Wash Bag,  Washinello also offers Wash sheets and the Stain Soap. Wash sheets are ultra-compact wash strips that make your laundry squeaky clean – without any plastic or unnecessary frills. Simply throw a sheet of paper in the washing machine, add laundry, start the program and you’re done! They also work for hand-washing, and for all types of fibers and colours. The Stain Soap is a natural vegetable oil soap for sensitive skin to remove stains.

We sat down and had a chat with Omar Rustanbegovic, the General manager from Washinello to find out the nitty-gritty about this revolutionary product. They’ve just recently launched their website and are preparing an exciting campaign, so go ahead and read all about it!

How did you discover the power of magnesium for a sustainable way of washing?

We’ve always been fascinated by the idea of bringing eco-friendly alternatives to everyday life. The traditional washing process has so much room for improvement when it comes to sustainability, so we began looking for natural elements that could replace harmful chemicals. That’s when we came across magnesium. This remarkable mineral has the ability to clean clothes without the need for harsh detergents, and it works by breaking down water molecules to increase its cleaning power. What excited us most was that magnesium is reusable, biodegradable, and leaves no toxic residue behind—an ideal solution for the eco-conscious consumer. After months of testing and perfecting, we knew we had found something truly revolutionary for sustainable laundry care.

Who is the Washinello team?


We’re a small but passionate team united by the mission to make laundry more sustainable. Our backgrounds are diverse, with expertise ranging from product development and sustainability to design and marketing. Together, we’re driven by a shared goal to offer eco-friendly solutions that are both effective and easy to use for everyone. Each of us brings something unique to the table, but we all share a deep belief in changing the way we do everyday tasks—like laundry—in a way that helps the environment.

If you had to describe yourselves as a type of textile, which would it be and why?

If we had to pick a textile that represents us, we’d say we’re like linen. Linen is one of the most sustainable fabrics in the world—it’s made from flax, which requires very little water to grow, and it’s incredibly durable, meaning it lasts a long time. Just like linen, Washinello is all about longevity and eco-conscious choices. Linen also becomes softer and more comfortable with time, and we aim to do the same by constantly improving our product and making sustainable living easier and more enjoyable for our customers. Plus, it has a timeless, natural quality that fits perfectly with our philosophy of simplicity and sustainability.

By the way, Washinello is gentle enough for all types of fabrics—whether it’s linen, silk, wool, or delicate synthetics. Our product is designed to care for your clothes without harsh chemicals, making it a versatile solution for all kinds of textiles, just like linen works across different wardrobes and uses.

Who realized the branding and packaging of Washinello?

Washinello Wash Bag: folding box made out of Crush Corn

When it comes to branding, graphics, and illustrations, we work exclusively with the amazing team at Branding Brothers! They’ve been with us since day one, bringing brilliant ideas to the table and turning even our most amateur feedback into polished, professional results.

The rebranding of Washinello was such an exciting project! Since we offer unconventional products, it can be a bit challenging for customers to understand exactly what we do at first glance. That’s why the task for Branding Brothers was to clearly communicate our core message right on the front of the packaging. We think they did a fantastic job of combining sustainability and modern aesthetics. Check them out!

How did Washinello meet Crush paper? And why did you opt to realize the packaging of the Wash Bag out of it?

We first learned about Crush through our packaging manufacturer, who recommended we visit Europapier in Vienna. During our visit, we met Sandra Schmidt, who instantly understood our product and vision. After a brief discussion, she introduced us to Crush Corn, a unique design paper made with 15% corn residues. This was a perfect match for us because Crush is not only GMO-free but is also produced using 100% self-generated green energy, and contains 40% recycled fibers. What’s even more impressive is that using Crush results in a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions.

We immediately knew it was the right choice for Washinello. The folding box for Washinello Wash Bag is completely realized out of Crush.  Not only does it support our sustainability goals, but the paper also adds a special texture and feel to our packaging that stands out. Crush combines an eco-friendly production process with a beautiful, natural aesthetic—qualities that align perfectly with our brand’s commitment to protecting the planet while offering a product that looks and feels premium. It’s the perfect material to convey the eco-consciousness and modern design we strive for with Washinello.

We immediately knew Crush was the right choice of paper for Washinello. Not only does it support our sustainability goals, but the paper also adds a special texture and feel to our packaging that stands out.

Washinello Wash Sheets

For the wash sheets kraft brown paper was used originally. Tell us a little bit about the packaging results with white UV on kraft brown colour.

This was quite the challenge! Not many print shops offer UV printing on brown kraft paper, so we reached out to around 10 printers in Austria and the surrounding regions. Unfortunately, the results weren’t what we were hoping for, and we had to keep looking. Eventually, we found a small family-run business that could meet our exact needs. They managed to achieve the sharp, vibrant print we envisioned.

The results on our Washinello packaging were truly impressive. The white UV ink looks stunning against the brown kraft paper, creating a beautiful contrast that really pops. The print quality is incredibly sharp, and the colors cover the brown background almost entirely, giving a clean and sophisticated finish. We think it perfectly captures the essence of our brand—combining sustainability with a sleek, modern design. The kraft brown itself adds a natural, eco-friendly touch that aligns with our values, while the UV print gives it a premium, polished look.

The kraft brown on the packaging itself adds a natural, eco-friendly touch that aligns with our values, while the UV print gives it a premium, polished look.

Tell us about your shop: Do you currently deliver in Austria & Germany? Any plans to expand?

Yes, we currently deliver in Austria and Germany, which are our primary markets at the moment. We’ve seen a fantastic response from customers in both countries who are eager to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. As for expansion, we’re definitely planning to grow! We’re already looking at options to expand across Europe and beyond, starting with neighboring countries like Netherlands, Italy and Sweden. Our long-term goal is to make Washinello available internationally, so more people can experience a greener way of doing laundry.


Can our readers interact with Washinello physically? (fairs, events etc.)

Absolutely! We love connecting with our community in person, and we’ve been attending various eco-fairs, markets, and sustainability-focused events throughout the year. In fact, we’re planning to have a presence at several upcoming trade fairs, where people can see Washinello in action and ask questions. We always announce these events on our website and social media, so keep an eye out for opportunities to meet us face-to-face!

What can you share about your plans for the launching campaign?

We’re really excited about our upcoming launch campaign. It’s focused on spreading the word about how easy and effective sustainable laundry can be with Washinello. We’ll be highlighting real-life testimonials from early adopters, showcasing the environmental benefits of our product, and offering some exclusive promotions to encourage people to make the switch. Our campaign will roll out primarily online through social media, influencers, and eco-friendly platforms, but we’re also planning some physical pop-up events to engage directly with the community. The key message is that sustainability doesn’t have to mean compromise—it can be simple, effective, and even stylish.

What is your key message to our readers?

Our key message is that every small change can make a big difference. With Washinello, we aim to make sustainability accessible and achievable for everyone, starting with something as simple as laundry. By choosing eco-friendly alternatives, we can reduce our impact on the environment, protect our planet, and create a cleaner future for the next generation. It’s not just about washing your clothes—it’s about washing away harmful practices and replacing them with better, greener solutions. Join us in making a positive impact, one load of laundry at a time.

Every small change can make a big difference. Join us in making a positive impact, one load of laundry at a time.


In case you still have questions, head on over to the Washinello FAQ page, to discover everything about this great product. Don’t forget to tell your friends and of course, test it out yourself!

Images © Washinello

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