Andrew Scott’s Frame Experiments Break Down The Fourth Wall

Andrew Scott, a rising talent in the art world, has garnered notice and praise with his unique artworks that feature shattered glass work and conceptual frame alterations. Gaining millions of views on social media, Scott’s work has captured the hearts and minds of many. Blurring the boundary between his subjects and the frames that enclose them – Scott has a talent for bringing his artwork to life by blending realism with imagination.

Whether through breaking, shattering, burning, threading, tearing, or any other innovative technique, Scott breaks the fourth wall of the viewer – making the frame part of the artwork itself. Scott continually bends artistic convention in innovative and surprising ways.

Inspired by the communication style of editorial illustrators and street artists, my work is defined by visual plot twists, symbolic subversion, and conceptual storytelling.

“Inspired by the communication style of editorial illustrators and street artists, my work is defined by visual plot twists, symbolic subversion, and conceptual storytelling”, Scott writes. “Aesthetically, my work makes use of selective bursts of red color in otherwise grayscale palettes, gritty graphites, and minimalist environments.” Scott explores themes such as escapism, loneliness, curiosity, and empowerment, among many others. The hand-drawn digital illustrations are printed on high-quality silk or watercolor paper and then hand-finished with some type of tool, process, or material. The artworks are most often framed, and the frame most often is a vital part of the actual artwork. 

As a rising art talent in the art world, Andrew’s captivating contemporary artworks, which cross the line between installation and illustration with ease, have already been exhibited in galleries worldwide from Italy and Germany to New York City, and beyond. Scott’s next announced exhibition will take place at the Stowe Gallery in Cheltenham UK in July 2024, titled Frame of Mind, where both original pieces and prints.

Below are some of our favorite works by the artist, but make sure to follow him on Instagram for more inspiration and incredible making-off videos that show the artist in action. 

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