The saying You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar basically suggests that you’ll be more successful in life being nice rather than being mean, or not nice. Slovenian family business Anton’s Honey, and its heartwarming story proves this right, literally as well as figuratively. Founded by Anton Hrastar back in the 1950’s, with one single beehive he received as a present, the company has grown into a thriving business. To take things to the next level, and contribute to the brand the best way he knows, graphic designer, and grandson of Anton, Tomaz Hrastar created a contemporary branding and packing concept that honors the values of the company by keeping things simple and concentrating on quality.

Traditional beekeeping in line with nature, without excessive use of modern technology, is what Anton’s Honey believes in and strive for. Wanting to keep their business small, the purity of the product 100% raw and locally sourced, their product is available in limited quantities only. The Carniolan honey bees they farm live in a natural environment, far away from urban centers and pollution. Passionate about the craft, Anton always says “Made by my bees, bottled by me.”
Highlighting the uniqueness and exclusive nature of Anton’s Honey, the packaging reminds more of a gift with a tag that lets you know the number of the specific batch the honey if from, truly reminding you how special it is to enjoy. The combination of the golden honey gold with the primary color white, with small black details, is repeated throughout the design. From the two-font logo to the stickers used to seal the jars, to the wrapping silk papers, all contributing to a stylish, minimalist whole.
Ps. check out Anton’s adorable Instagram account!