Black on Black – Moduletto’s Seria Nera

You must have seen the quote “She wears black but she has the most colorful mind”. I know it sounds cheesy but I must admit I truly believe it. As someone who’s wardrobe consists solely of black, I honestly don’t see it as depressing, but as the happiest color of them all. It’s timeless. It’s contemporary. It’s drama. It’s emotion. Simply put, there is no match to it. Well, maybe white…but that would be too hard of a look to pull off, am I right?

So when I saw the new Seria Nera all black notebook by Moduletto, my little dark heart skipped a beat. It’s perfect in its simplicity. And first of it’s kind. It’s no easy task to find an all black notebook. The times before when I’ve thought I’d found one – it has turned out to be black cover with white paper and black edging – I’ve been greatly disappointed. But no more as the Seria Nera by Moduletto is everything I could ask for from a notebook. It’s light, good size, compact, high quality and beautiful to look at. The search is over.


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