Boci Tej Milk Packaging by Nóra Rohmann
When you were a kid what kind of lunch did your mom pack for you? Apples, sandwiches, gummybears, milk? My all time favourite was the triangle shaped orange juice box – not that I even loved orange juice that much, but the packaging was so damn cute I demanded having it everyday. But this was over twenty years ago. I think these days the kids have even more amazing products to choose from – judging on the packaging solely. Example the The Boci Tej milk packaging by Budabest based desginer Nóra Rohmann.
The Boci Tej is a four piece product line of school breakfast milks, for which Rohmann created the concept, illustrations and typography for. Each flavour has it’s own illustration and color coded labeling with a lettering-styled logo on top. The compact, small packaging size makes it possible to become a part of school or work snack. It contains enough milk to cover the recommended daily milk consumption making it a reliable and healthier choice, especially as it’s target audience is mainly schoolchildren and young ages.
Images © Nóra Rohmann