Butterfly Pop-Up Postcard Illustration Series PILLAPOK By Nikolett László

The talented graphic design students from the Media & Design Institute in the Eszterházy Károly University in Eger, Hungary, are offered in their studies an inspiring atmosphere to be creative and gather knowledge and the necessary professional foundation and methods in graphic design and its associated fields. The school provides the tools for progressive thinking while considering it essential for the students to develop experimental behavior and create a creative responsibility and a lifelong research attitude. The school offers studies in print or multimedia works and design graphics, visuals, illustrations, 2D and 3D animations, and product design, resulting in a student portfolio filled to the brim with amazing and inspiring projects.

The PILLAPOK series depicts twelve butterfly species native to Hungary illustrated in great detail, and specialty printed and made into pop-up cards

One of the new projects from the school caught our eye: the pop-up postcard series PILLAPOK by graphic design student Nikolett László. The series of postcards are inspired by the vast species of beautiful, colorful butterflies and moths native to the designer’s home country Hungary. László’s detailed illustrations of the twelve different butterfly types are as close to real life as possible, as depict the unique patterns and color palettes of each type in detail. The butterflies were digitally printed with varnish and gold, cut out, and made into a pop-up element inside the cards.

“In this project, I made 12 informative postcards. They show species of butterflies and moths living in Hungary, accompanied by short descriptive texts. The vector illustrations are almost completely realistic in color and form. The extra feature of the project is that they were made with special printing techniques (digital varnish and gold) and I also used pop-up illustrations. I made stickers too from the moths”, László writes. You can see the whole card series below, but make sure to follow the creative on Instagram for more inspiration.

Made by: Nikolett lászló
Consultant: Csongor G.Szigeti

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