Ceres Lau Has Dedicated Her Work To Exploring The Artistic Potential Of Paper As Medium

Ceres Lau, a paper sculptor from Kuching, Sarawak, has taken the world of paper art by storm with her intricate and imaginative creations. Lau’s journey from a struggling graphic design student to a celebrated paper artist is a testament to her resilience and passion for her craft. Her work, inspired by nature and characterized by its raw and unfiltered beauty, has garnered international recognition, making her a standout figure in the contemporary art world.

Growing up in Malaysia, Lau discovered an affinity for art at an early age. As a child, she dreamt of becoming a comic artist, constantly drawing on any surface she could find. Despite her passion, Lau initially pursued a more conventional path, enrolling in science with the idea of entering the medical field. However, it soon became clear that her heart was elsewhere. “I was secretly an art nerd,” Lau recalls, reflecting on her early years. Seeking a closer connection to her artistic inclinations, Lau transitioned to graphic design, the only art-related course available in her small town. She excelled at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, topping her class and feeling confident in her chosen path. But after moving to London, everything changed. Lau found herself losing interest in graphic design before having a conversation with a lecturer, who encouraged her to search for and follow her true passions. This pivotal point propelled Lau on an artistic journey that’s proven to be fruitful and long-lasting.

Lau’s rediscovery of paper as a medium was serendipitous, while her artistic journey has not been without challenges – and overcomings.

On a rainy day in London, she stumbled upon a poster of Yulia Brodskaya, a Russian artist known for her paper art. Inspired by Brodskaya’s work, Lau began to experiment with paper, a material she had loved as a child. “I was thoroughly amused by this medium,” Lau says, describing her fascination with the versatility of paper. “You can transform it anyhow you want, and the possibilities are endless.”

From that moment on, Lau dedicated herself to exploring the artistic potential of paper. She experimented with various techniques, from cutting and carving to sculpting, striving to uncover the hidden beauty of the material. Her work is characterized by a deep respect for paper itself; she focuses on the material, rather than painting or altering it, to reveal its intrinsic elegance. “I try to uncover the hidden beauty of paper without any interference,” Lau explains.

I try to uncover the hidden beauty of paper without any interference.

Lau’s journey has not been without its challenges. Upon returning to Malaysia after her studies, Lau faced a lack of recognition for paper art. “Paper art is still not quite known here in Malaysia,” she notes, describing how people were often confused by her work. Despite the initial obstacles, Lau persevered, slowly gaining recognition and opportunities. She turned to social media, where she found a supportive community of paper artists who shared similar experiences. This connection to like-minded artists has been invaluable, allowing her to exchange knowledge, receive honest criticism, and seize new opportunities.

Ceres Lau’s work is deeply inspired by nature and human relationships, themes that she explores through the dynamic use of paper

Her art is characterized by its raw, unfiltered approach, which she believes helps her connect with her audience on a deeper level. “I have always found it hard to express myself, and it is through what I do and make that helps me put my feelings out there,” Lau shares. Each piece she creates carries a story, capturing moments and emotions that resonate with viewers.

Her favorite subjects are wildflowers, which hold a special meaning for her. “Wildflowers may seem out of place, but they are free-spirited, diverse, and fascinating.” Lau sees them as a metaphor for her journey as an artist — growing and thriving in unexpected places, free from the constraints of convention.

Lau’s journey proves that success in the arts requires not just talent, but also perseverance, a willingness to take risks, and the courage to stay true to oneself. You can follow the artist on Instagram and witness how she continues to transform the humble medium of paper into stunning works of art.

Images © Ceres Lau

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