DIY Glitter Christmas Cards

Normally I’m not the biggest fan of the shine and glitz that surrounds us during the holidays, but this year I’m going glitter crazy! I figured out how cleverly simple glitter is to use and now I’ll show you how to do it. What do you think, over the top or just the perfect sparkle?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

As usual, I like to keep my DIYs sweet and simple. Less of a hassle with maximum result is my mantra, and this is no exception. You might think, Yikes, glitter! It will get everywhere, but I promise if you are well planned and organised it will be clean and fast. This might think before letting the kids join in on the fun as those little fingers might get the glitter to spread, which is not the easiest to clean. But, with out further ado, here are the step by step instructions on how to make glitter christmas cards!

What you’ll need: 
Liquid water based glue that is easily spread with a brush, a brush, glitter and thick paper 250-300 gsm


What you’ll do:
1. First of all you need to decide what image you wish to decorate the card with. After deciding this, draw it on the card with a pen. Don’t worry, it will be covered by the glue and glitter and won’t show in the end. I drew the outlined of the snowflake so I saw the area I’ll need to spread the glue on.

Tip: all the usual christmas themed images look great: christmas tree, stars, snowflakes, reindeer horns etc. Try out a few before deciding on one. You might even want to try writing!

2. Spread the glue. The thicker the layer is, the more glitter will stick on it, giving a more 3D effect.


3. Sprinkle the glitter on top of the glue. It might feel like waisting glitter but it is very lasting and all excess you can save later. Just be careful to cover the whole area, other vice you are left with a patchy finish.

4. Let the glue dry for an hour. Turn the card over, tap on the other side so the left over glitter falls off. And you are left with the final image.


Badam! And now you have some kick ass glitter crazy christmas cards that are sure to make everyone jealous!




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