Rattling Bones Garland

DIY Rattling Bones Halloween Garland


Halloween is all about dressing up, decorations and getting spooky and creepy. Oh and of course filling up on candy and sweets till you drop dead. A big part is the fun costumes and decorations which help you get into the Halloween spirit. Some go all-out and deck their home from top to floor, some like it more modest. One clever and easy way to add some fitting ambience is garlands. Not too messy, easy to hang up and most often only require materials you will handy anyways. And simple enough to make with the small ones as well, so something fun to make with the whole family.

As you already know I love a good, fun DIY – minimum effort & maximum result – and this one is no different. You will only need paper, I used Galaxy Metallic Pearl white in 120 gsm, scissors, a needle and some thread, as well as a black marker for this DIY. It’ll take you about an hour from first cut to hanging up depending how many bones you wish to cut out, in other words how big you want your garland.



Step 1. Choose your paper, the Galaxy Metallic had a perfect off-white reflective and sparkly quality for the theme which I definitely recommend. Draw the outlines of 2-3 different bones in various sizes, and use these as a template for the rest. You can also use a copy machine if you wish to make them exactly the same.

Step 2. Cut out all the bones. It took me about 15 minutes to cut about 30 of them.

Step 3. Using a black permanent marker, draw black lines on the each cut out bone. You can also do this in an earlier stage by already using the marker when drawing the outlines on the paper before cutting, but I noticed I get cleaner finish when doing it at this stage. Of course, you skip the lines all together, up to you!

Step 4. With the help of some needle and thread, connect the bones in an inconsistent size order to have a nice mix, either as a pennant or a hanging garland, what ever suits your needs.

As the basic idea of a garland is that it’s easily customized to look and hung up the way you wish, you can come up new ways to hang it and decorate your home, I was already thinking of incorporating it to my costume for tonight – attaching it to a black shirt or something similar. Endless options – have fun with it!


Photos © Design&Paper



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