Dream A Little Dream Of Me

Have you ever thought of recording your dreams? If yes, Pulp’s line of dream journals is perfect for you. And the best thing is: the beautifully illustrated journals by the company from Tel Aviv come with a light pen, which makes it possible to write down your dreams immediately after waking up no matter if its day or still night.

Throughout history there are various theories about the meaning and purpose of dreams. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks, for instance, considered dreaming to be a supernatural or even divine communication. Sigmund Freud on the other side believed that dreams represented a disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish and that the unconscious could be uncovered by studying them.

Whichever theory may be true, to me dreaming is something mysterious and quite magical. I am sure you know the feeling when a dream is so great that you literally fight against waking up and other times is quite the opposite when all you want is waking up of a nightmare. Rarely it happens that I have an actual epiphany during my dreams. But if I don’t write down what happened immediately after waking up, I will most certainly forget the dream in the course of the day. That’s why I think Pulp’s line of dream journals is a great idea!

The company from Tel Aviv engaged several illustrators to make the journals appealing and inspiring from the creative point of view. Apart from the nice design, the best thing is the embedded LED light pen which comes together with each journal and makes it super easy to write down everything you remember as soon as you wake up – even in the dark.

On the back of each journal you can also find some very useful instructions such as: “Write in the present tense. Describe the location, surrounding, characters, objects, sounds, emotions, themes etc. You can also draw any images that you recall… In time you may find common elements in some of your dreams.” Doesn’t this sound exciting? I think I will start right away!dream-journal_1 dream-journal_2dream journal_1 dream journal_4 dream journal_3 dream journal_5 dream journal_2 dream journal_6

If you are looking to buy one of Pulp’s dream journals, swing by their web shop where you can also find many other beautiful papery products.

We wish you a great weekend and sweet dreams!

Photo source: Pulp

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