Eat Your Food, Grow a Plant, Save the Planet

Clever and eco-friendly food packaging systems are on a high demand, as the consumption of fast food and ready made meals are on the rise. The packaging materials and left-overs of these meals are straining the environment like never before as nonrenewable materials are being used. But Michal Marko, a designer from Ruzemborok, Slovakia, has designed this biodegradable food bowl that might revolutionize the food packaging design world.plant-main

Michal Marko, a Product and Packaging Design student of Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, has come up with a new bio-degradable food packaging system that turns back into dust in a very short period of time. Each package has the description written on the label, telling the consumer what to do with the package after usage. First of all it encourages you to enjoy your food, which is very nice, and afterwards it instructs you to peels off the label on top, and find seeds hidden underneath. Then you are instructed to plant the seeds in the bowl with some gravel, wait a week, remember to water it and herbs should start growing. After a while you can plant the whole bowl into the ground, so the package itself will degrade but the herbs will flourish. Such a simple yet clever idea!

plant1plant2After enjoying your food, peel of the label to find the seeds

When Marko was designing the packaging, he states the driving force behind the idea was to create a disposable food bowl with minimum environmental impact and to teach wide society about new biodegradable materials in a fun way. We believe he has succeed and we hope this becomes a trend and we will actually see it used in the future!

plant3 plant4Fill the bowl with gravel, plant the seeds and water

If this kind of design and idealism would get noticed by the large food manufacturers and suppliers, we believe a change could be made. The simple idea of giving back what you have taken from the nature works and you’ll get your own little herb garten too! We love!

plant5 plant6Plant the bowl into the ground, let it degrade and the herbs flourish

Photo courtesy by Behance


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