Fast Bikes & Good Coffee At Radlager

There are so many things that I love about my home city of Vienna that listing them all would take up too much of mine, and more importantly your time. But one of my favorite summer pastimes is to roll around the hot streets on my bike and seek air conditioning in one of the numerous cafes the city offers. One place that offers both, is a bike/coffee shop Radlager on Operngasse in the Vienna’s 4th district.


The first Radlager was opened in 2006 – then in a slightly different form than it is today. In recent years it has gone through a lot of change, improvements and new concept have taken place as well. Now the idea is simple. Fast bikes and good coffee. It’s the go-to place when looking for a novelty bike, be it an Italian vintage road bike or a unique Moulton or a bag of the best Italian coffee beans. With a stylish, retro-inspired interior, where beautiful bikes are used as decorative statues everyone is welcome. If in need of a quick pick-me-up or inquiry about anything bike related, Radlager is your place. Combining fast bikes and good coffee, both adrenaline junkies favorite things, it’s surprising how laid back and relaxing the atmosphere of the place is. There is no feeling of urgency or hurry, and you can easily end up spending a good few hours talking shop with fellow customers.

Operngasse 28
1040 Wien

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Images © Radlager


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