Fleur By Judit Besze

The sun has finally come back to Vienna and there is a distant smell of spring around the city. It will still take some time until everything is blooming again and until then there is nothing better than buying yourself a nice bunch of tulips or peonies for the weekend. A flower shop where I would definitely like to stop by is FLEUR. Budapest-based designer Judit Besze developed a fresh vintage inspired branding for the flower boutique from London.

We already blogged about Judit Besze’s mono-chromatic branding for Musette Bakery. For FLEUR, a London flower boutique, Judit Besze opted for a more colorful and elegant style.

A classic and clean logo kept in white and kraft paper brown is contrasted by beautiful pastel vintage floral arrangements. These two seemingly very different elements fit together perfectly and create a fresh yet elegant feeling. The branding work includes everything from business cards, wrapping paper, and bags to the website. We are delighted and hope that more and more flower shops will discover the allure of good design.FLEUR_Judit Besze (7)FLEUR_Judit Besze (13)FLEUR_Judit Besze (14) FLEUR_Judit Besze (6) FLEUR_Judit Besze (5) FLEUR_Judit Besze (16) FLEUR_Judit Besze (2) FLEUR_Judit Besze (15) FLEUR_Judit Besze (4) FLEUR_Judit Besze (11) 3d1c35b4907576423f76044fe1a1e154 88071f42115f95842c31728c686b251b FLEUR_Judit Besze (12) FLEUR_Judit Besze (10)

Photo courtesy Judit Besze


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