G. Le Bon’s “Psychology of the Crowd” Redesigned By Karolina Kaczmarek

Poznán, Poland-based graphic designer Karolina Kaczmarek is a graduate of the University of Arts in Poznán who focuses on creating engaging branding, publications, and animation, with a special interest in sociological problems and recognizing them in the language of graphic design. Kaczmarek’s graduation work focuses on this very topic, as she redesigned the look and style of the book “Psychology of the crowd” by Gustaw Le Bon.

Presenting a classic textbook in the field of crowd psychology from the 19th century in a modern form 

The “Psychology of the crowd” by one of the most influential theorists on the subject Gustaw Le Bon, a French physician and anthropologist, is one of the first items that takes a closer look at the mechanisms of action and the psyche of the crowd, and to which scientists refer to this day is their research on the human psyche, as well as artists in their works. What fascinated Kaczmarek the most about the subject, and pushed her in choosing the famous book as her diploma project, was the idea of a group of individuals who together create a new organism – the crowd.

The “Psychology of the crowd” by one of the most influential theorists on the subject Gustaw Le Bon, a French physician and anthropologist, is one of the first items that takes a closer look at the mechanisms of action and the psyche of the crowd, and to which scientists refer to this day is their research on the human psyche, as well as artists in their works.

The project is an attempt to present a classic text from the 19th century in a modern form. The original text is complemented by animated typographic illustrations that revolve around the theme of multiplicity, repeatability, uniformity, as well as unpredictability, and violence – the common features attributed to the crowd. The monochrome book includes a separate sleeve which creates a moiré effect on the cover pattern. To enjoy the animated illustrations, visit Kaczmarek’s Behance portfolio site.

© Karolina Kaczmarek
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