Golden Drum Advertising Festival 2013 Winners

One of the biggest creative and advertising festivals in Europe, the Golden Drum Festival taking place in Portoroz Slovenia, just celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. This year’s winners were just announced a few days ago, and I must say we are impressed! Check out who took home the coveted prizes this year, and learn what the industry is buzzing about at the moment.1375286_578126352223800_189472669_n

The Festival is one of the most highlighted events of the advertising industry in Eastern Europe and gaining popularity in the west as well. The occasion plays as a perfect venue for professionals, designers and industry insiders to meet, greet and mingle. But of course what everyone there wants, is the main prize! Additionally to the competition, several lectures and speeches are presented over the three day program, where participants were able to listen to renowned speakers from inside and outside the adververtising industry.

The Golden Drum Festival has always given equal chances from big corporate agencys to small independent collectives to win the praised awards and prizes. At Golden Drum it really comes down to creativity and innovation! Out of this year’s over 1 300 entries, more than 40 awards were handed out, with winners from across the continent. Here are some of the selected ones. To see more, check out the full list here.

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Earth Hour 2013: In the Name of Change
Award: Silver Drum
Campaign name: Earth Hour 2013
Category: Digital/social network & community
Advertising agengy: Ogilvy Group
Brand name: Earth Hour
Country: Bulgaria
Creative Idea: “To encourage citizens to participate in Earth Hour 2013, the Municipality of Sofia and WWF invited the skeptical Bulgarians to be part of the global movement by turning off not just their lights, but their names! Most Bulgarian names end with the suffix “OV”, which sounds like OFF. “In the Name of Change” we invited people to change their profile names on facebook, turning the Bulgarian “-ov” into the English “-OFF”. We switched off the names of the city’s biggest streets on location, directing people to special Foursquare locations to check in to pledge their support. Sofia was OFF, changing its Cyrillic F letter into the English one. By changing one letter, a global matter turned into a very local and personal one.


Award: Silver Drum
Campaign name: Photomagic
Category: Design of Brand & Corporate Identity
Advertising agengy: Saatchi & Saatchi
Brand name: Andrey Lobov Studio
Country: Ukraine
Creative Idea: “Dark room, developer, fixer. The red light. People miss the magic of the photography. That’s why we incorporated it into the fashion style of a famous photographer Andrey Lobov. Red light reveals his name. This is photo magic.

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The morning is hard enough – Pullover
Award: Silver drum
Campaign name: Easy Morning
Category: Outdoor/Food
Advertising agengy: DDB Tribal Vienna
Brand name: McDonal’s
Country: Austria
Creative Idea: “The Task: To develop an outdoor campaign for McDonald’s Easy Morning” breakfast. The Idea: Not everything in the morning is as easy as McDonald’s easy morning. Even simple tasks like dressing can become difficult. The Execution: A pullover with incredibly long sleeves.”

lego technic.indd

Lego Technic – mixer
Award: Golden Drum
Campaign name: Lego – time for technic
Category: Press
Advertising agengy: JANDL
Brand name: LEGO
Country: Slovakia
Creative Idea: “When your kid starts disassembling stuff around the house, it’s time for Lego Technic.

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The Tiger – the power is back
Award: Silver Drum
Category: Film (television, cinema & online)
Advertising agengy: DDB Warsaw
Brand name:
Country: Russia
Creative Idea: “A young guy is travelling on a bus. The bus is in the middle of nowhere and the company is from all walks of life. The guy is holding a miniature tiger in his hand. He is about to go to sleep as he is very tired, but the tiger persuades him that it is better to stay awake if he doesn’t want to loose his kidney. The guy regains his energy.


Selizharovo Cannery
Award: Golden Drum
Campaign name: Selizharovo Cannery
Category: Packaging design for mass produced good and services
Advertising agengy: :OTVETDESIGN/St.-Petersburg
Brand name: Komnot
Country: Russia
Creative Idea: “Canned goods are almost a human. Honesty makes them nicer as well. We made absolutely truthful labels for Selizharovo. There is everything that you wanted to know about the product but did not dare to read. For example, stewed fruit made of apples and currant. How many berries are in there and how many fruit? Since now there is no need to become absorbed in the small font on the reverse side of the can – clear infographics will accurately and honestly explain to the most meticulous customer what stands behind the delicious taste of the product line.”

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Dimension Two Longboards
Award: Golden Drum
Campaign name: Dimension Two
Category: Design of Brand & Corporate Identity
Advertising agengy: VBG
Brand name:
Country: Slovenia
Creative Idea: “Inspired by our beautiful backyard where our path runs on sunny side of the alps, passing the deep valleys, breathing in the urban madness and ending up in the low lying coastal trails. Love and contribute to the expression of an alternative culture .We, a nation of tree huggers, are living in hart of the most green place of Europe. And we are thankful for what the nature can give us so we can give it back with the same gratitude.” Screen shot 2013-10-16 at 10.36.37 AM

Dissambly Instruction
Award: Silver Drum
Campaign name: Dissambly Instruction
Category: Direct Communication/Publications
Advertising agengy: Damner, Merlicek & Bergmann
Brand name: Moemax Furniture Store
Country: Austria
Creative Idea: “Austria has the highest concentration of furniture stores in Europe. So customer loyalty is key. That’s why Mömax started a return option. We reached our clients where it was most relevant to them – during the assembling. at the end oft every assembly instruction, there was another instruction: the Disassembly-Instruction. Besides an explanation of the new service, the whole disassembling was explained step by step.”Screen shot 2013-10-16 at 10.40.30 AM

adidas Window Shopping
Award: Goldem Drum Grand Prix
Campaign name: adidas Window Shopping
Category: Direct Communication/Point of sale communication
Advertising agengy: TBWA
Brand name: adidas
Country: Finland
Creative Idea: “Why is ‘window shopping’ missing the shopping part? We set out to change a piece of retail forever. Within 10 months of rapid prototyping, we built a system that turns any storefront window into a fully functional virtual store with the most responsive user experience ever. By combining the storefront with the already existing eCommerce, the system effectively extends store opening hours to 24/7, and gives consumers a fun and engaging brand experience at any time of the day.

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Mastercard Display Card
Award: Golden Drum Grand Prix
Campaign name: Mastercard Display Card
Category: New or Innovative
Advertising agengy: Getin Noble Bank
Brand name: Getin Bank
Country: Poland
Creative Idea: “Card payments have made life easier. But cardholders feel that they lose control of their finances, because they don’t see how much they spend. That is the reason for introducing the Display Card the first debit card that shows the account balance and gives an instant control over spending. Thanks to the display and a mini-keyboard the card combines traditional payment functions, with the possibility to communicate with the bank. It enables our clients constant access to account balance information after every single purchase. Having such information at hand helps making everyday decisions such as: can I really afford this?Screen shot 2013-10-16 at 12.34.07 PM

Atlantic Group
Award: Golden Drum
Campaign name: Atlantic Group – We Are Growing
Category:Design of Brand & Corporate Identity
Advertising agengy: Imago Advertising Agengy
Brand name: Atlantic Group
Country: Croatia
Creative idea:Task: “Create a company overview for Atlantic Group. Challenge: The company overview needed to reflect the company’s growth and illustrate how each segment grows and contributes to success. Solution: Even in these challenging times, after a series of successful acquisitions accompanied by organic growth, the company is determined in its intention that their organization, brands and people grow, not only to fit the world, but to make the most of it. As a company and as people they grow together. And indeed they grow – the figures don’t lie! The result is a book that actually grows – just like the company.”

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Red Bull Airlines
Award: Silver Drum
Campaign name: Red Bull Airlines
Category: Events
Advertising agengy: Red BUll Creative
Brand name: Red Bull
Country: Austria
Creative Idea: “How to react to decreasing sales without any support of classical advertising? We created an event that combines traditional italian lifestyle with one of the most trendsetting sports: Red Bull Airlines brings the best talent of slaglining to the old streets of Naples. Where usually people dry there clothes on lines tight up between the houses, athletes perform high above the audience – giving the old Italian way a new and Red Bull like interpretation.


We just love the self-preclamed motto of the festival “sharp competition, good school, crazy parties and devilish challenge”!
Congratulations to all the winners, and we can’t wait till next year.

Photo courtesy by Golden Drum Festival

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