Good On Paper – The 2022 Charity Calendar By The Paper Artist Collective

The Paper Artist Collective is a global community of artists with a shared passion for creating beautiful things from paper – a sentiment we wholeheartedly share here on Design & Paper. We have found numerous paper artists and their works through the PAC community, and highly value the work of the collective’s founders, paper artists themselves, Samantha Quinn and Kristine Braanen

While the Paper Artist Collective is known for the collaborative briefs they set their members, this year they focused on issues arising from the Global pandemic, such as the sense of isolation and loss, as well as the impact it has on one’s mental health. PAC asked their members to create bespoke paper art pieces inspired by the brief and donate them for a charity calendar 2022 – from which all proceeds will go to, a charity dedicated to helping displaced people through art therapy.

The charity calendar, titled Good On Paper, is the first collaborative brief of PAC that resonates in printed form

Fourteen PAC members generously donated bespoke pieces of paper art for this very special collaborative project, one highlighting each month of the year. While each artist was working on the same brief with the same medium, each final piece is unique and meaningful, representing the artist’s style and imagination. The calendar is an amazing way to celebrate the richness and diversity of paper art while doing something good and charitable.

The 14 PAC members who participated in the making of the calendar:  Layout and front cover – Samantha Quinn, UK • Dedication page – Nicola Dobrowolski, UK • January – Lisa Lloyd, UK • February – Pippa Dyrlaga, UK • March – Tina Kraus, Germany • April – JUDiTH+ROLFE, USA • May – Anaïs Herd-Smith, France • June – Ale Rambar, Costa Rica • July – Ankon Mitra, India • August – Marina Adamova, Russia • September – Dawn Cardona, USA • October – Joseph Wu, Canada • November – Naomi Kendall, UK • December – Sara Rayo, Colombia

The calendar can be ordered via the online shop of Paper Artist Collective as a pre-order, which will be distributed towards the end of 2021.

Samantha Quinn
Lisa Lloyd
Pippa Dyrlaga
Tina Krauss
Anaïs Herd-Smith
Ale Rambar
Ankon Mitra
Marina Adamova
Dawn Cardona
Joseph Wu
Naomi Kendall
Sara Rayo
Nicola Dobrowolski
images © Paper Artist Collective


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