Grower Eco-Cosmetics Packaging by Yan Zaretsky Provides an Engaging Unboxing Experience

Grower Cosmetics is a small Russian brand of eco-cosmetics, whose products are based on hemp oil and local natural ingredients. The freshly founded brand believes in the power of natural ingredients, and this is reflected in its visual identity and packaging created by talented designer Yan Zaretsky (previous feature: Showcasing the Beauty of the Engineering Process).

Eco-friendly, recyclable, and premium – the driving principles of the brand, visual identity concept, as well as material choices

The goal of the project was to develop a brand identity and packaging design that mirror and represent the brand’s core values: hemp component, eco-friendliness, and local top-quality manufacturing. The packaging needed to be able to be manufacture in small batches for marketing purposes.
Zaretsky designed the minimally eye-catching branding based on simple principles, to ease its maintenance as well as further development later on while the cosmetics brand grows. Combining a simple grid, contemporary typography, and earthy colors and natural materials, the concept feels strong and solid, in-touch with the current trends, while standing out among its competitors. The chosen material used in the various packaging designs play a major role in the visual identity.
The eco-friendly, recyclable, and premium Crush Olive 350 gsm paper by Favini – available by Europapier – as well as silk screen printing technology both emphasize Grower’s values while providing an engaging, holistic unboxing experience.
The eco-friendly, recyclable, and premium Crush Olive 350 gsm paper by Favini – exclusively available by Europapier – as well as silk screen printing technology both emphasize Grower’s values while providing an engaging, holistic unboxing experience. The Gift-box 7-sided shape is unique and reminds of a hemp leaf. All the packaging is designed to be printed on single, small sheets of paper which allows it to be manufactured by small typographies.

Images © Anatoly Vasiliev


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