Have A Carissimo Christmas

Viennese Carissimo Letterpress, run by the creative Austro-Italian duo Ana Kaan and Alessandro Carissimo, created a special Christmas letterpress stationery set of holiday cards and festive gift tags, as well as notebooks and art prints. Looking at the various printed matter, whether in vintage style, typographic or playful, you can feel the love and care put into each design.

Wanting to kick off the holiday season and spread the word and love for letterpress, on a November Saturday afternoon, during the Wien Art Week, Carissimo Letterpress opened their studio doors to more than 300 visitors. All of whom had the possibility to marvel on their beautiful vintage presses and machinery and experience the pressing technique in action. Besides creating their own personalized designs, they learned about the principles of the craft and how the quality of printing results will depend on the type of paper used (very important fact!). And they didn’t use just any paper but the high-quality recycling paper Crush and a brand new up-cycled paper named Remake by Favini, both having perfect qualities for letterpress cause of their thickness.

CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Alessandro druckt_Photocredits Carissimo LetterpressAlessandro Carissimo taking care of their crown juwel – 100 years old Italian Maria Addolorata printing press.

If you missed this special event, do not worry! Each year Carissimo creates their own Christmas themed stationery line of wonderful and whimsical designs full of holiday cheer and spirit. Styles ranging from humorous to elegant, you can find everything from posters to calendars and holiday cards to coasters, all of which have one thing in common: high-quality paper! Don’t waste any more time and hop over to their online shop to get your favorites!

BUT, just before you go, read our interview with them and watch the video below to hear the two professionals talk about their craft and see them in action.

CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_calender_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Grammophon_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Holiday Greetings_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Pattern Notebook_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Notebook rose_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Text setzen mit Bleisatz_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web CarissimoLetterpress_xmas2015_Photocredits Carissimo Letterpress_web

Photos & video ©️ Carissimo Letterpress

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