Heart Stamps For Valentine’s Day

Time to get your craft on, Valentine’s Day is coming up! Each year on February 14th, in many countries people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” Back home in Finland the day is known as a “friends day” and is more about appreciating your friends and family. There is no wrong way of celebrating it, and traditionally the exchange of hand made cards and well-wishes have been a part of it.

As you’ll probably already learned, I love simple little diy’s that give maximum results with minimal effort. It’s not about being lazy or not having time, but I’ve noticed how these are often the most fun to do (and as little cleaning as possible is always a plus). So here we go again, here’s another cute way of creating a homemade stamp. Of course, you can use the idea for any occasion with any kind of icon or sign you wish to create, but in the theme of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, I did little hearts.


For this diy you need varied cardspaper or envelopes, a stamp pad, a few pencil erasers and an x-acto knife.


• Start by drawing a little heart on the unused eraser. This will be your guide as you carve.
• Then carefully cut around the edge of your drawing. Be very careful as it’s quite easy to accidentally lob off the whole eraser if you’re going too fast, so take your time. The sharper the x-acto knife is, the easier the cutting is (but remember this is no diy for children).
• And now you have your stamp. Now take out your stamp pad and get stamping! Try out different styles: super simple, just stamping a single tiny heart on the card or envelope, crazy all-over pattern of herts or just go wild!


Images © Design&Paper


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