Inne Beczki – beer to my taste!

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few years, you couldn’t help but notice a huge craft beer culture taking over Europe, as well as other continents. Every self-respecting millennial is having a go at beer brewing, my own circle of friends included. And besides the obvious up-side of getting to enjoy an ever growing selection of the golden nectar, the design crowd hasn’t missed a beat of the beer-uprising. Inne Beczki, a Polish brewery, is considered one of the most prominent and recognized beer innovators of the country, and their unique, non-traditional branding by Redkroft is basking in the limelight.

In 2014, Warsaw based design agency Redkroft came to the help of two beer geeks branding their own beer wholesale store. Back then, no one expected what was in the making –  one of the most recognizable new wave breweries of Poland. Combining colorful, masterfully hand drawn illustrations with bold, contemporary typography, a conscious decision was made: it’s time for a new beer generation and it looks nothing like the old one! A Polish saying goes “coś z innej beczki”, which literally means “something from another barrel” and translates as “for something completely different”, became the brand name and slogan.

Redkroft discribes the project with heart warming words:  “there are projects where there is no need for a brief – it is replaced by understanding and trust. Projects that, at the end of the day, yield more than just a presentation on a website: a good set of friends and a lot of fond memories. Projects that are like no other and Inne Beczki is one of them.”

Marcin Pietranik, Józek Czarnocki, Kasia ŁubińskaPiotrek Małecki, Kuba Szulczewski, Janek Szyprzak
Images © Redkroft



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