Inspiration + Paper = Famous Paintings

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci ©wikipedia

The history of art is rich with beautiful and enigmatic paintings. An art form that is said to even predate the written word, painting has remained a popular mode of expression among artists from ancient times to modern days. And from the thousands upon thousands of paintings that must have been created in the span of history, only a handful have become timeless classics – earning the title masterpiece.

What makes a painting famous?

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, a painting of a “maybe-smiling” woman, is the most famous painting in the world. But what made it so famous? Much has been said about the smile and gaze of the women portrayed, but it’s the enigma and charm that has contributed to the work’s notoriety. Often the reason why we are drawn towards certain artwork can’t be explained with anything else than simple attraction. Besides the importance of harmonious play of composition, technique, subject matter, and color, it’s the inexplainable allure certain paintings possess.

Matching famous paintings with beautiful design papers

Whether you’re an art history buff, enjoy an occasional visit to the museum on holidays, or are wondering right now “why am I reading this I know nothing of art” – I’m sure you’ll recognize most if not all of the paintings below.

Inspired by some of the most famous artworks in the world, and their renowned color schemes, I’ve selected eight of my favorite paintings and matched them with beautiful design papers by Europapier. 

All papers mentioned below are exclusively available at Europapier. Find more Inspiration + Paper articles here.

Inspiration and Paper of Famous Paintings
White Center (Yellow, Pink and Lavender on Rose) by Mark Rothko ©
Inspiration and Paper of Famous Paintings
Artist's Studio "The Dance" by Roy Lichtenstein ©
The Scream by Edvard Munch ©
The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh ©
Inspiration + Paper = Famous Paintings
The Kiss by Gustav Klimt ©
Inspiration and Paper of Famous Paintings
Campbell's Soup Can by Andy Warhol ©
Inspiration and Paper of Famous Paintings
Untitled by Jean-Michel Basquat ©
Inspiration and Paper of Famous Paintings
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso ©


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