Inspiration + Paper = Ice Ice Baby

Summer and ice cream go together like bacon and eggs, movies and popcorn or Batman and Robin, one simply feels lost without the other. Besides simply tasting better while enjoyed under the scorching hot summer sun, it’s extra fun trying out new exciting flavors, trying out new recipes or building massive ice cream dishes larger than life. I’ve already had my fair share of the tasty ice cold goodness, but hey, summer is no way near over so let’s dig in deeper shall we? Combining my favorite sweet treat of the moment with a personal passion, paper, I put together a mood board that matches my go-to home made ice cream recipes with equally lovable papers.

Strawberry Ice creamIQ Color Pink

Pineapple Ice creamIQ Color Yellow

Mint Chocolate Ice creamIQ Color Green

Carrot & Orange SorbetIQ Color Orange

Cold Brew Coffee Ice PopsiclesIQ Color Cream

Chocolate Fudge Ice Popsicles + Galaxy Red Wine


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