Inspiration + Paper = Pantone Color of the Year: Greenery

Spring has arrived early. My home town Vienna has been enjoying the warm breeze of spring air for a few weeks already and I am definitely not complaining. There is nothing better than the first days after winter when you hear the birds chirping, the sunshine feels brighter and warmer than in months and, let’s face it, a certain odor lingers in the air that signals nothing else better than melting sidewalks and growing grass. It’s only a matter of time when the first buds of green push through the gray, and the promise of summer is inevitable.

Inspired by the early arrival of spring and the Pantone Color of the Year: Greenery, I put together a mood board that combines all the colors and shades that soon surround us, matched with equally beautiful papers.

Galaxy Metallic  Leaf Green

Color Style Leather Forrest Green

Twill Green

Color Style Smooth Forest Green

Transparent Cromatico Green

Leuchtplakat Fluorescent Green

IQ Color Green

Crush Kiwi


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