Inspiration + Paper = World Water Day

Today, March 22nd, is the official World Water Day, a date set by the UN to highlight the importance of freshwater, and its protection. The day is celebrated around the world with a variety of events, from educational, to theatrical and musical events, and of course campaigns and fundraisers for water projects. The intention is to inspire people around the world to learn more about water-related issues and to take action to make a difference.

Inspired by the occasion, I wanted to bring attention to the issue the one way I know, love and can be inspired by. With paper. So I’ve put together a collection of beautiful papers, matched them with photographs inspired by World Water Day. If for nothing else, so we can remind ourselves of this magnificent substance, no of us could live without.

Gmund Leather Peacock

Classy Covers Cobalt TT

Color Style Smooth Cool Blue

Gmund Leather Night

Image © left: Oliver Sjöström                                                                                Remake Sky

Classy Covers Cobalt MN

Galaxy Metallic Ocean Blue

Neobond Blue

IQ Color Intensiv 

Images © Pexels and Design&Paper


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