L’affiche n°6080 (The Poster n°6080)

This is poster design at it’s best! The incredibly innovative and multi-leveled poster by French designer Alexandre Laclaverie is composed of 6080 little detachable paper triangles distributed over six layers of paper in different colors (black – blue – coral – pale yellow – pink – black). By picking out parts, you can form any image you wish in cut-out style. We are in awe!

This clever idea allows you to compose totally personalized posters, over and over again: whether your favorite phrase or a portrait of your dog – (nearly) everything is possible. The edition is limited to 149 pieces, you can buy your copy of L’AFFICHE N°6080 online for 220,40 Euro at Fabrique Générale. If you haven’t been kissed by the muse yet or are simply afraid to start, don’t panic! You will get a set of five A4 sheets with the printed triangle matrix which help you to exercise and decide on a design.

L’AFFICHE N°6080 is definitely on top of our Christmas wish list! What do you think?thecakeisnotreal6


photos via fabriquegenerale.com / Mamie Boude


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