Light + Paper’s Frame-Worthy Papercutting Artworks

Papercutting is an ancient art form that involves creating intricate designs by meticulously cutting shapes from a single sheet of paper. This craft has been practiced for centuries across various cultures, from traditional Chinese paper cuttings to Jewish ketubahs, showcasing the versatility and beauty of paper as a medium. Today, Canadian artist Ali Harrison, working under the moniker Light + Paper, has brought a modern twist to this timeless art form with her detailed and captivating papercut creations.

Ali Harrison’s aka Light + Paper’s journey into the world of papercutting is as unique as her art

Surprisingly, Ali has no formal artistic training or background. She holds a master’s degree in community development and adult education, and her foray into papercutting was purely accidental. In search of DIY Christmas gift ideas, Ali stumbled upon the craft and decided to give it a try. Using a borrowed box cutter and her kitchen cutting board, she created her first papercut piece. “The first paper cutting I did, I used my kitchen cutting board and a borrowed box cutter, and I quickly fell in love with the craft,” Ali recalls.

The first paper cutting I did, I used my kitchen cutting board and a borrowed box cutter, and I quickly fell in love with the craft.

What drew Ali to papercutting was her immediate affinity for it. “Honestly, the thing that most appealed to me was the fact that I immediately felt like I was pretty good at it,” she says. This natural aptitude for papercutting spurred her to continue honing her skills. Less than a year after discovering the craft, Ali opened her Etsy shop, Light + Paper, where she began selling her creations. 

Initially, all Light + Paper items were handcut originals. Yet Ali’s work quickly gained recognition for its intricate designs and artistic flair. As her passion grew, she upgraded her tools, switching from a basic box cutter to a sharper blade and a proper cutting mat. Eventually, as Light + Paper became a full-time endeavor, Ali invested in a laser cutter to reproduce her intricate designs more efficiently.

Despite the use of modern technology, Ali’s process remains deeply rooted in traditional handcutting techniques. She first creates her designs by cutting paper by hand, transforming these unique patterns into a variety of laser-cut housewares and other goods. This blend of handcraft and technology allows Ali to maintain the delicate, personal touch of her art while meeting the demands of her growing audience.

Papercutting is a meticulous and meditative art form that requires patience, precision, and a keen eye for detail. The artist begins with a single sheet of paper, carefully cutting away sections to reveal intricate patterns and designs.

Papercutting is a meticulous and meditative art form that requires patience, precision, and a keen eye for detail. The artist begins with a single sheet of paper, carefully cutting away sections to reveal intricate patterns and designs. The beauty of papercutting lies in its simplicity and the contrast between the positive and negative spaces created by the cuts.

Ali Harrison’s work exemplifies the potential of papercutting as a medium. Her designs draw inspiration from various sources, including science, the human body, nature, architecture, and repeating patterns. This diverse range of influences is evident in her Anatomy series, where she creates stunning papercut representations of hearts, lungs, and other anatomical features. Each piece in the series showcases her ability to transform a simple sheet of paper into a work of art that is both visually striking and conceptually rich.

Light + Paper items are available to purchase online and you can enjoy more of the artist work by following them on Instagram.

Images © Light + Paper

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