Lil Paper Studio Discovers Both Functionality & Aesthetics Through Experimental Paper Folding

Lil Paper Studio is the creative platform and outlet that Milan-based designer Margherita Dallaiti uses for her beautiful folded paper creations. While she writes ” It’s a paper studio based in my mind. Today I study paper, tomorrow who knows”, her insight and passion for discovering various techniques when working with paper are impressive. Having discovered the art of paper folding as a child, among Bruno Munari’s books and countless pop-up designs, and then growing up and being driven by the attraction to these mechanisms of movement simply created with paper, Dallaiti began experimenting.

Through experimenting and discovering the possibilities as well as the constraints of the art of origami — Dallaiti creates new designs that combine functionality with aesthetics

Guided by curiosity and an inner need to understand and create, the designer explored and experimented with numerous paper crafting techniques till she discovered the art of origami. 

“Initially, the intent was not to give the paper the shape of something defined, but on the contrary, the interest was to discover fascinating volumes that come alive in the folding process. Transform and animate two-dimensionality. Complex volumes that arise from the folding of a single sheet”, Dallaiti writes on her website.

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