“Ministry Of Good Soap” Brand Combines Beautiful Products With Equally Beautiful Values

Passion, values, mission, and vision lead to great things, and when you add a pinch of love for what is beautiful, a handful of creativity, and a large dose of care for the natural environment – we have a success story. This was the recipe for Ministerstwo Dobrego Mydła aka The Ministry of Good Soap, a small family soap & cosmetics manufacturer in Kamień Pomorski founded by two Polish sisters: Ania and Urszula. The Ministry of Good Soap combines great products with good values and care for the environment, as the company has been doing everything it can to make life better on this planet from its very foundation: from product ingredients to packaging choices. Making the right choices for the environment has never looked as good either, as the brand doesn’t seem to make compromises in its values, nor in aesthetics, as their packagings are stylishly minimal and eye-catching in all the right ways.

“I can safely say that the topic of eco-packaging is one of the cornerstones of our business. We designed the first packaging for our products 10 years ago and at that time the assortment was much smaller. However, this did not stop us from emphasizing how important it is for us to care for the natural environment. So the first products were simply packed in gray paper bags – not many other options were available at the time” – emphasizes Mrs. Ania, one of the owners of MDM.

Favini Crush CORN, an ecological paper made using process residues from organic products to replace up to 15% of virgin tree pulp – is the perfect choice for a brand that wants to invest in ecological choices

Fortunately, trends are changing and the assortment is expanding. Currently, there are many solutions available on the market that follow the spirit of eco. However, if you want to actually contribute to the environment in which we live, you need to remember one more thing. The definition of “eco” is also changing, as it should be considered more in the local context – because what is recyclable in Denmark or Germany will not always be recyclable in Poland. And we sell our products mainly on the Polish market, which is why we always consult each decision regarding product packaging with the recycler, to find out whether the materials we use will be adequate for the Polish recycling situation”, – Mrs. Ania explains. 

Such dedication and meticulous attention to recyclability and ecological values definitely impress us and simultaneously explain their decision to work with Favini’s Crush CORN paper. Crush Corn, an ecological paper made using residues from organic products to replace up to 15% of the virgin tree pulp, is the perfect choice for a brand that wants to invest in ecological values and sustainability.

In our opinion, Crush CORN is the perfect fulfillment of the ecological idea, and this is extremely important to us. Secondly, the aesthetics. It’s clear that design is also important to us, and this paper is decorative in itself. And thirdly, ease of use. Favini Crush CORN prints beautifully without losing its properties, and it breaks well on creases, and is durable.

“There were several reasons why we chose to work with Crush Corn, but firstly, we are pleased that the paper is made with the addition of residues from organic products – in this case, from corn pulp. What until recently would have been simply production waste is now material for the production of high-quality paper. In our opinion, it is the perfect fulfillment of the ecological idea, and this is extremely important to us. Secondly, the aesthetics. It’s clear that design is also important to us, and this paper is decorative in itself. And thirdly, ease of use. Favini Crush CORN prints beautifully without losing its properties, and it breaks well on creases and is durable ”– Mrs. Ania concludes. So besides the beautiful design, making the right paper and production choices, the best thing is that after use, you can just unfold the packaging and recycled it as “paper waste” or “biodegradable waste”.


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