Cookbooks offer an incredible mix of print and graphic design inspiration to the reader, as well as an amazing creative outlet for the designer, as they present a unique opportunity to combine striking photography with alluring typography and seductive colors. Comparable to artbooks, cookbooks have a wide range of elements and options to play with, without having rigid rules to follow. The main aim of a cookbook is to inspire, and there are plenty of ways achieving this; fun illustrations, bold colors, playful titles, mouth-watering closeup photographs, heartfelt stories, and insightful teaching tips of the trade.

20 awe-inspiringly gorgeous cookbooks, one for each taste and style
Cookbooks are made to be used, to be read, to be scribbled in, but not to be left on the shelf to look pretty and collecting dust. Cooking is about inspiration, flavor, and life – and a great cookbook can encourage and excite for experimentation and new discoveries. Whether it’s about the intricacies of molecular gastronomy or simple homecooked recipes, the style and design of the book should spark zest and gusto in its reader. Cookbooks are an endless source of inspiration, and sometimes end up being the most cherished title in your collection, passed down to new generations. A good recipe, in a beautiful book, has no expiration date.
Enjoy our picks of the most awe-inspiringly gorgeous cookbooks which will want you to grab a pan and spatula and cook up something delicious right away!