One Stop Gift Shop For Paper Lovers: Bomo Art Budapest

Bomo Art, one of our favorite paper and stationery shops in Budapest is a wonderland of vintage-inspired paper products and makes the perfect one-stop-shop for Christmas presents for design and paper lovers and like-minded. You can read our interview with the owner Károly Boldizsár to learn more about the unique and lovely things they sell – or better yet – visit them in person. You can shop at the store on Régi posta utca 14 in central Budapest near the famous Square of Church of St. Anne (Belvárosi Szent Anna templom) or visit them on the Christmas Market in Budapest, or now also in Vienna, at the Maria-Theresien-Platz Christmas Market or Schönbrunn Christmas Market.

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bomo1bomoart3BomoArt at the Christmas Market

Images © Bomo Art



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