Paper Fortune Cookies

It doesn’t get any cuter than this: DIY – Paper Fortune Cookies. I came up with the idea when planning my next dinner party. Once in a while we get together with friends to cook and spend the night among good food, and next up is sushi! I’m the one responsible for the decorations and I thought personalised fortune cookies would be perfect. As I’m not much of a baker, paper version ones would be perfect and as I found out, super easy to do!

Whether or not you like Asian food, I think you’ll agree that these paper fortune cookies are super cute! And so easy to make, even large quantities won’t take long once you get the folding technique down.

You will need:
• Paper in max. 90gsm.
I used IQ Color Trend Gold and Lavendar, Color Smooth Marmor (marble white) and Metallic Mirror Gold Gloss, and basic white for the actual fortunes inside. (Papers available at Europapier)


Print out the fortunes. Either come up with your own personalised ones, or  copy some from Fortune Cookie Messages
Draw and cut circles with approx.9cm in diameter


• Choose one of the cut circles and gently fold it in half, but don’t crease it just yet


• Now, form a crease on the fold but not across the entire circle. Crease only the center part, 4cm or so of the circle as shown below.


• Open the circle back up, and fold it in half again in the opposite direction, from the crease you just made. If you look closely, you’ll see that the crease is running perpendicular to the fold now.


• Gently push the fold inward with your index finger while using your thumb and middle finger to bring both ends together. The two sides on the behind will overlap.


• Slip one of the fortunes in the opening on the side before bringing both ends completely together, and push it closed. You can either use double-sided tape near the fold to hold the fortune cookie’s shape, or just crease the fold strongly what I opted for.

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All images © Design & Paper


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