Pavel Shvets Petnat Wine Labels Come In 18 Different Color & Foil Combinations, Telling 18 Different Stories

Petnat is a natural sparkling wine, a light, and cheerful drink rapidly gaining popularity. This year, Pavel Shvets, a prominent Russian winemaker and the founder of the Uppa Winery, which is known for its excellent biodynamic wines, released his own version of Petnat. Shvets invited Redo Bureau to the winery to design a label for it.

Redo Bureau is a Moscow-based team of designers with an artisan approach and a printing background. Redo uses design as a toolkit to meet the client’s needs at every stage — from the original concept to production, and logistics. With a strong aesthetic and an understanding of specialty printing techniques, the studio came up with a creative idea to showcase the winemaker’s style and ambition.

Winemaker Pavel Shvets mixing printing colors inspired by the taste profile of his own Petnat wine

Capturing the elusively unique style and taste of Petnat in a collaborative printing process

Following their visit to the winery, the Redo Bureau team realized the most valuable thing the label has to convey is “a feeling of fun and celebration, and, at the same time, the strong personality of its maker”. Therefore, their idea went against the tradition – by shifting all technical information to the counter-label and only highlighting the winemaker’s name with a truly unique production method.

With a collaborative method, and inspired by the ever-evolving nature of the wine (Petnat is never the same due to its variable production) the creative team set up a process in which every time Shvets tried Petnat, he also captured his sensations and taste experience by mixing colors, which were then used to silkscreen print the labels.

Wanting to involve Shvets in the label creation process, the studio prepared a silk screen printing workshop and invited the winemaker for a visit. And with a collaborative method, and inspired by the ever-evolving nature of the wine (Petnat is never the same due to its variable production) the creative team set up a process in which every time Shvets tried Petnat, he also captured his sensations and taste experience by mixing colors, which were then used to silkscreen print the labels. The creative team picked contrasting foil colors for each label, and in the end,  18 different color and foil combinations, 18 different stories, readings, and interpretations of the new sparkling wine from Pavel Shvets were born.

Design & Art direction: Marina Kondratenko
Producer: Alexander Nekrasov
Photography & Video Production (screen print): Yevgeniy Rogatchev Photography (restaurant): Nastya Chamkina


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