Rabbit and Friends Paper Lamps by mostlikely

If you are looking for a special lampshade and are not afraid to cut, fold and glue, we have the perfect lamp for you! In Rabbit and Friends “a complex 3D computer model gets transformed into a low tech paper model” forming a collection of foldable lampshades in the form of 3D animals. These contemporary but cute lampshades are sent to the buyer with instructions on how to fold, glue and assemble the light, making it into a fun D.I.Y. project.

mostlikely is a Vienna based design office which combines architecture, computer graphics, design, and sound design. Their outstanding projects vary from buildings to installations as well as from videos to music productions, whereas boundaries between branches are most likely free flowing. Rabbit and Friends (also Donkey and Friends) is one of their more low-tech works but has achieved huge popularity especially in the design blog world.

The paper model starts as a complex 3D computer model. You can choose from different objects or design a unique one – nearly any form is possible. In the second step, the 3D computer model gets transformed into a flat plan which is printed out on heavy paper, using a standard oversized printer found in most architecture firms. The printout is sent to the customer in a cardboard roll, who cuts out, folds and glues the parts together.

With Rabbit & Friends mostlikely proves that cool design doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive: The finished lamp shade is a complex and stylish object available at 35 Euro and can be used as lampshade, mask or anything else you have in mind!

We first discovered mostlikely’s paper lamps at the Vienna Design Week 2012. The same year the Viennese design office also won the „Prix Découvertes MAISON&OBJET 2012“ at MAISON&OBJET in Paris.


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Which one is your favorite? A rabbit hanging from your ceiling, or maybe a cute penguin next to your bed? You can order your own Rabbit and Friends lampshade here or try out the Cluster Luster, a lampshade which you can download for free on mostlikely’s web page.

Photo courtesy of mostlikely.


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