Season’s Greetings From Us To You All!

Yet another year has come to an end and it’s time to slow down and enjoy the holidays with loved ones. This season comes with many traditions and customs, but our favorite one, year after year, is the tradition of sending our well wishes and holiday cheer in the form of a beautiful Christmas card. This beloved custom is a highlight of the year, which we begin preparing for months in advance, as experiencing beautiful design papers and printing is the perfect way of sharing our joy and thankfulness with you all.

With billions of holiday cards exchanged worldwide each year, it’s a tradition known and loved by many. Especially in today’s world of constant change and uncertainty, this small yet meaningful gesture of remembering loved ones feels like the perfect way to stay connected and spread holiday cheer!

This year, our holiday card design is inspired by a winter solitude and peace – with the single red cardinal symbolizing our need for reflection during the hectic holiday season. The muted color palette of white, grey, and gold foil with a pop of bold red, aims to convey tranquility and unity. The beautifully textured Refit Dusk Blue FM 250 g/m² offers a backdrop for the screenprinted white trees with gold foil details and red cardinal, demonstrating the versatility of the paper for various printing techniques. The Glam Cream 115 g/m² insert adds a touch of glamour and drama. All papers are exclusive available at Europapier Group.

Many believe that by spotting a cardinal, your loved one is near and the bird is the messenger from them to you. To many, cardinals represent the presence of faith, hope, and love which is why the cardinal is commonly found on Christmas cards, wrapping paper, prints, and in ornament form. This are the sentiments which we we would like to transmit to all of you: may your Christmas days be filled with faith, hope and love, with beautiful moments with your loved ones and last but not least, try not to get too wrapped up in the material presents or the many TO DO lists before the winter break, and try to find some space for inner reflection, and realize we have more than we know to be thankful for. 

We are thankful for all of you, for the community of paper lovers around Design&Paper, for the many inspiring projects which are submitted and featured on our platform. Merry Christmas and a magical winter break to you all!

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