Selected Works by BooBoo Tannenbaum

Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 2.19.52 PMviaboobootannenbaum1Branding for Mad Dog wine and beer bar.Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 2.18.13 PMviaPrintA part of a series of illustrations for a brochure about collecting and recycling waste commissioned by Tina Ivezic and Damir Prizmic. Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 2.18.39 PMviaboobootannenbaum3A part of a mural for a seaside bar.

Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 2.19.17 PMvia8a027f18469367.562c9fa8e3d34Tannenbaum, along with 3 other illustrators, designed the cover of Acro Diaries in 2014

majicaAn illustration for Iskon, an internet provider in Croatia.

BooBoo Tannenbaum, a Croatian illustrator and a graphic designer loves her job. And collaborations. And her dog. And baking. She pretty much seems to love everything, which comes off as surprisingly refreshing for a moody Finn like me. I came across the designers work on Instagram when her delightful doggy illustrations made me crack up, and soon discovered her extensive port folio. With her colourful, humorous approach she creates animated characters which – in search of a better word – lack seriousness. All in all whether it’s her personal or client work, a positive undertone always shines through.

Images © BooBoo Tannenbaum


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