Selected Works by Marina Muun

Editorial in Teaching Tolerance Magazine Editorial in UC Davis MagazineEditorial in the EconomistEditorials in MIT Technology Review & Stanford Business Review Illustration on BuzzfeedIllustrations for an article by Brian Foglia for MediumEditorials in the Stanford Business Magazone and The Oprah Magazine Illustrations for an article by Kathryn Joyce for MediumFun little piece on how to make Edible Water Bottles for Wired Magazine

Originally from Bulgaria, grew up in Cyprus, lived in the UK and Germany and currently residing in Vienna Austria, Marina Muun is a creative freelance illustrator with a bottomless well of ideas and inspiration. With a soft feminine feel she creates surreal illustrations – or what she calls – visual thinking. Her style is captivatingly alluring, not in an in-your-face way, but in a more mysterious manner that comes from the subtle textures and harmonious color palettes she uses to build her work, both personal and commercial. So it comes as no surprise that her impressive list of clients include giants New Yorker, Variety, Wired and more.

Images © Marina Muun


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