The Cute Guai Guai Bubble Tea Store Invites You To Step Into A Comic Book

Slip Into Guai Guai Bubble Tea Store’s Cute 2D Comic Book Wall Design

The newly opened “Guai Guai” tea house in Sibiu, Romania makes a buzz with its unique 2D wall designs. Its owner, Lulu, originally from China, has chosen to relocate 7.000 km away for reasons of the heart.  There, she decided to open the cutest tea house, together with her husband. Here’s their story.  

Lulu and her husband, Horea.

The tea shop is opened by Lulu, who left China and moved to Sibiu to be with her husband Horea. Lulu was an art teacher and owner of a successful restaurant. Out of love, she gave it all up and moved 7000 kilometers away from home to be with her husband, Horea, a man from Sibiu, whom she met in China while he was visiting the Asian continent.

The Story Behind Guai Guai black & white tea house and the chosen name

The tea shop, Guai Guai Bubble Tea, has a charming name that translates from Chinese to mean ‘cute’ twice. It also hints at a love story. The décor is all black & white, giving visitors an instant comic book vibe. Here they can enjoy a tea, alongside a variety of special Asian snacks. 

Lulu, the owner, designed the walls and furniture herself and is also the tea brewer. She was born in a region famous for tea and learned the art of brewing there. She wanted to share her tradition and passion for visual art by opening this tea shop, say the tea shop representatives.

The whimsy illustrations, hand drawn and brought to life with meticulous detail 

Stepping into the tea house feels like entering the pages of a black-and-white comic book. The walls are adorned with bold, crisp illustrations that playfully blend the whimsy of cartoon art with the hint of Asian design. Black lines on white backgrounds create 2D scenes of household furniture, fireplaces, and cheerful characters, all brought to life with meticulous detail. 

The furniture, too, follows this monochrome palette, with tables and chairs resembling sketchbook drawings, their outlines inspiringly hand-drawn. Even the wall paintings appear as if they’ve sprung from a comic strip, adding a touch of playful artistry to the experience. This unique decor not only celebrates the art of storytelling but also creates a vibrant, imaginative atmosphere where every sip of tea feels like a new adventure.

Petfriendly venue

Guai Guai is the name of her puppy, who she has as a pet in China for over 10 years. Mainly due to her old age, she could not be flown, so she had to leave her in the care of her family. Thus, Lulu decided to make the teahouse petfriendly.

To remember her, Lulu named the Teahouse after her and drew her face on the logo, hoping that every time you have a cup of tea, you will think of the love someone has for your pet, she added.

The profound love for pets can inspire the creation of a pet-friendly venue by driving a deep understanding of the unique needs and joys of pet companionship. Together with the whimsical illustrations and the passion for tea brewery, Guai Guai is transformed into a cherished gathering place in Sibiu, for pet lovers, art lovers and tea lovers alike. 

If you find yourself travelling through Sibiu this summer, make sure to pay them a visit. More details on their instagram profile. 

The Cute Guai Guai Bubble Tea Store Invites You To Step Into A Comic Book
The Cute Guai Guai Bubble Tea Store Invites You To Step Into A Comic Book
The Cute Guai Guai Bubble Tea Store Invites You To Step Into A Comic Book

Images © Ciprian Ilie
Insta: @cygraphy
Facebook: ciprian.ilie

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