The Garden Of Good And Evil By Aitch

Romanian artist Aitch‘s work is full of rich colors, mixed patterns and characters with a fairytale feel, while often portraying strong female figures or hypnotic wildlife creatures. In a joined-exhibition titled The Garden of Good and Evil with a fellow artist Saddo, she opens up her imagination for the viewer, a climb of a world beyond our own.

Nomadic Aitch originally hails from Romania but prefers not to put down roots in any one place, new scenery inspires and invigorates her tactile, folky illustrations and a constant string of exhibitions in cities across the continent pushes her technique further. Her dreamy characters hide amongst William Morris-esque gardens and bring to mind a bright and bold reincarnation of Victorian melancholy while still retaining a strong sense of her Romanian heritage.

Inspired by her travels, naturalistic illustrations, Naive Art, childhood memories, legends and folklore, she creates colorful watercolor artworks on paper, characters cut out of wood, painted murals and intricate patterns and illustrations for clients all over the world.

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